Methaemoglobin Reductase Assay

Deficiency can be cause of Methaemoglobinaemia
Reference range: 

11.5 - 26.9 IU/g Hb

Sample type and Volume required: 
Minimum 1 ml EDTA blood. It is recommended a FBC is performed and results sent with sample for interpretive purposes.
Turnaround time: 
10 working days
Special sample instructions: 

Blood transfusion within the last four months will affect results. Any red cell transfusion given must be declared on the request form.

Raised reticulocyte levels and/or raised Wbc levels may affect assay.

Please contact Business Development for pricing enquiries
Red Cell Centre - Protein Laboratory
020 3299 2455
c/o Central Specimen Reception
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
For clinical advice or interpretation of results, please contact the laboratory in the first instance.

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Last updated: 08/01/2020