Immunoglobulins Concentrations (IgG, IgA, IgM)

The quantitative determination of serum immunoglobulins is a useful tool in many clinical specialties. The uses of this investigation range from seeking immunoglobulin deficiency to monitoring inflammatory disease. Immunoglobulin profiles can also be a diagnostic tool in conjunction with other investigations. In such cases we are able to suggest appropriate investigations if required by the user.
Reference range: 

Immunoglobulin IgG 6.34 - 18.11
Immunoglobulin IgA 0.87 - 4.12
Immunoglobulin IgM 0.53 - 2.23

Adult ranges shown, paediatric ranges are given on request.

Sample type and Volume required: 
Clotted (gold top vacutainer)
Turnaround time: 
2 working days
Special sample instructions: 

All tests are compromised by prolonged transit times. For this reason, date of bleed and date of postage must be provided with each request.

Storage and transport: 
Serum stored at 4°C should be sent by first class post
Time limit for extra tests: 
10 days
Diagnostic Immunology and Allergy Department at King's College Hospital
General Enquiry : 020 3299 8752 / 020 3299 1171
King's College Hospital
Bessemer Wing - 1st Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
For clinical advice or interpretation of results, please contact the laboratory in the first instance.

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Last updated: 03/11/2021