Autoimmune Liver Blot (extended panel)

This test now includes antibodies to the following tests; Mitochondrial M2, M2-3E, sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA-LP and Ro-52. For M2 and M2-3E antibodies see mitochondrial M2 blot. M2-3E is a fusion protein from the immunogenic domains of E2 subunits of the 3 enzyme (3E) complexes representing the main antigens of M2 and related to primary biliary cirrhosis. For sp100 see antinuclear antibodies (ANA), is a nuclear granular protein. Antibodies to speckled protein (100kDa) are seen as multiple nuclear dots on ANA Hep2 immunofluorescence. For PML antibodies see Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA). Antibodies to Promyelocytic Leukaemia Protein are seen as nuclear dots on ANA Hep2 immunofluorescence. For gp210 see Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA). An integral protein of the nuclear membrane. For liver kidney microsomal antibodies see LKM-1 blot. For LC-1 antibodies see liver cytosol 1 blot. For SLA-LP see SLA soluble liver antigen blot. Ro-52 antibodies are detected in patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis and Ro52 diease activity is higher and more severe. Antibodies to Ro52 are not specific to Autoimmune Hepatitis and can be found in myosities, scleroderma and other collagenoses. See Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA).
Reference range: 


Negative, Equivocal, Weak positive, Positive, Strong positive +++
Sample type and Volume required: 
Clotted (Gold top vacutainer)
Turnaround time: 
6 days
Special sample instructions: 

All tests are compromised by prolonged transit times. For this reason, date of bleed and date of postage must be provided with each request.

Time limit for extra tests: 
10 days
Diagnostic Immunology and Allergy Department at King's College Hospital
General Enquiry : 020 3299 8752 / 020 3299 1171
King's College Hospital
Bessemer Wing - 1st Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
For clinical advice or interpretation of results, please contact the laboratory in the first instance.

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Last updated: 04/01/2021