Dr Lu Liu

Head of Molecular Diagnostic

Dr Liu is responsible for providing and developing the molecular diagnostic service for epidermolysis bullosa (EB) and other inherited skin fragility disorders.

The EB laboratory is the sole diagnostic centre for the National Service for Epidermolysis Bullosa in the UK, set up by the Department of Health through their National Specialist Commissioning Advisory Group (NSCAG).

Dr Liu received her Bsc in Natural Sciences at Wuhan University in China before working as guest researcher in the Department of Pathology, Division of Tumour Pathology in Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. She trained in molecular biology and molecular genetics in Karolinska Institute/Ludwing Institute and completed a PhD at Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Cambridge (UK).

Dr Liu was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge and her major research interests were the function and study of the erbB family in brain tumour. She was also involved in the identification of abnormalities in human brain tumours.

Dr Liu joined the National Diagnostic Epidermolysis Bullosa Laboratory in April 2005. She has since devoted the majority of her time to help establish and improve this national service.

Dr Liu specializes in the mutation analysis of skin fragility disorders and is a core member of this multidisciplinary facility. She has participated in many research projects resulting in over 63 publications.

Over the last 8 years she has expanded the molecular genetics service from 7 genes to the analysis of mutations from 47 genes, which are responsible for 41 types of genetically inherited diseases.

Contact information

020 7188 7229

Last updated: 30/09/2022